Posts for Tutorials

Advanced Tutorials for web and app development, we cover topics including, Vue, JavaScript, Laravel, Flutter, Golang, Python and more

How to Model your data in MongoDB

MongoDB is a database that is also known as a NoSQL database. In another word, MongoDB is a schema-based database that is used to store data in documents. It is highly scalable and powerful. It stores data by following a field-value data structure that is most likely JSON but in MongoDB, it is known as […]

January 28, 2022 in Node & Tutorials
Deven wrote

Create your first web server and Learn basic routing in Nodejs

NodeJS is an open-source JavaScript runtime built on the Chrome V8 engine for executing JavaScript code on the server-side. To make the web page more interactive the language, JavaScript was built. Writing JavaScript code outside of the browser was like daydreaming once a time. But now it is the reality that we can write JavaScript […]

January 14, 2022 in Node & Tutorials
Deven wrote

Learn How to create multi-select in Vue

In this article, you are going to learn about how to create multi-select in Vue. Vue is a modern JavaScript framework that is widely used in building user interfaces and progressive web applications. With Vue you can do lots of eye-catching things but here I will show you how you can build a custom multi-select […]

December 14, 2021 in Tutorials & Vue